Hot Bench: Caleb Stephens '23, Technology Editor

Caleb, congrats on (almost) having made it through law school. To start off, where are you from?

I’m from a small, rural town called Quincy in North Florida, just outside Tallahassee.


Why and how did you find yourself at UVA Law?

I spent a while in undergrad trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I had a year-and-a-half-long flirtation with pre-med, but then I decided to double-major in economics and marketing. After that, law school felt like the right choice; I had enjoyed debate in high school and tended to be interested in legal subject matter whenever it intersected with one of my other classes. UVA was one of the few law schools I managed to visit pre-Covid, and I just fell in love with it and the area (visiting in early spring, right when the air had that mountain coolness, was a huge selling point). Admissions let me in, the finances worked out reasonably, and the decision was made.


What is your favorite place in Charlottesville, and why?

Not really in Charlottesville, but I love the Bearfence Mountain summit. Bearfence is one of my favorite trails and somewhere I frequently revisit. Watching sunset from the summit is really spectacular, although the hike back down in the dark is not something I would recommend for the unprepared.


You’re stranded on a desert island. You get to pick three UVA Law professors to be your companions. Who are they, and why?

Hard question. I suspect law school professors would be some of the worst people to be on a desert island with in terms of survivability, but I think for great discussions, I’d have to go with Harrison, Kordana, and Johnston, so we could have a long talk about Admin Law.


Can you tell me about your worst or best classroom experience at UVA Law?

Probably one of the best and worst experiences was in 1L Torts over Zoom in fall 2020. The class met from 3:30–5 p.m., if I recall correctly, and my WiFi always crashed and had to restart at 4:45. Inevitably, I would get cold-called at 4:43, panic, start talking, talk for the next five minutes about the torts case, and then realize everyone was frozen and my WiFi had gone out. Fortunately, Professor Armacost was very understanding, and the third time it happened (according to my friends), she just went, “Oh, right, it’s 4:45, his WiFi is out again,” and moved on. It really illustrated how a professor could be both terrifying and understanding at the same time.


What is your favorite bar or restaurant in the Charlottesville area?

Afghan Kebab, probably followed by Martin’s. I’m very fond of Mediterranean cuisine, but I’m also sometimes in the mood for a solid burger.


Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Yes, technically true, so I have to uphold it, although I would caution against relying upon that definition. I would, however, argue that champagne doesn’t have to be from a region of France, and “oat milk,” while enjoyable, really should be called oat juice. Also, the items at the business formerly known as “Dunkin’ Donuts” are not doughnuts by any stretch of the imagination.


What’s your favorite piece that you worked on while at Law Weekly?

I always love working on the COPAs, but I think my favorite is the article I wrote on How to Avoid Studying to Study Better. I really loved deliberately rethinking the way I did my readings, and I’ve found several more tools since that really are beginning to look like a sequel.


What is your favorite law school memory?

As far as direct memories directly related to the Law School, I think probably walking out of class with my friends and arguing about administrative law and executive power. I don’t know that I have a specific instance to point to, but that’s been something I’ve had a lot of fun doing, and it felt like a quintessential law school experience. Other than that, just the friendships I’ve made over my three years here are really what I’m going to take away from my time at UVA.


Where will you be after graduation?

I’ll be clerking in Washington, D.C. on the Court of Federal Claims for Judge Somers. After that, I don’t have “firm” plans.


Lightning Round!

Favorite Florida Man Headline?

Florida Man Runs Over Self With Car (there’s a video of that one, and it’s hilarious).


Pineapple on pizza?

Sometimes—nowhere near the first choice, though.


Favorite song right now?

“Riverside” by James Spaite.


Parallel parking efficacy?

Bad. Like I said, I’m from rural North Florida.


Student Affairs snack of choice?

Tax Review beverages.


Favorite zoo animal? 

I feel like it’s got to be a zebra, because they’re just enough like a horse to tempt me to try and ride them but different enough that they’d probably kill me. Either that or giraffes, because they’ll occasionally surprise everyone by eating rabbits.


How do you take your coffee?

Lucky Goat’s Lucky 7 Espresso Blend through an AeroPress (sometimes a French press) with three teaspoons of turbinado sugar and a splash of half and half.

Interviewed by Stephen Foss '25


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