Hot Bench: Reidar Compasano '23
Hey Reidar, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us! This back-to-school Hot Bench special is all about winter break.
Where did you go over break?
I was back in Washington over break. I stayed at my mom’s place, which is in a community called Normanna Park, deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest.
Mind telling us about one or two adventures you got up to out there?
There was a ton of snow, so I spent lots of time around the house. My favorite adventure was cleaning my mom’s basement. I have this irrational fear that someone else is going to clear things out down there, and I wanted a first look at a lifetime of stored memories. Outside of working around the house, I spent my time catching up with family and friends and lounging in front of the fire.
Word on the street is you got a 3D printer for Christmas. How did you manage to fly it home, and what’s your favorite thing you’ve managed to print so far? Any future projects you’re looking forward to?
I did get a 3D printer for Christmas. Shout out to my grandma for picking my name in the gift exchange two years in a row. I managed to get it back to Charlottesville in a tote, which I checked at the airport. My favorite thing that I printed so far is this weird tool that allows tables to adjust to a certain angle. I couldn’t figure out its name to look up a model, so I ended up designing one in CAD. So far, it’s only semi-functional, so I’ll likely be entertained by that for a while.
I heard you signed up for a J-Term. Which one are you doing? What made you choose it, besides having fewer credits to take as a 3L?
I signed up for Corporate Law of HBO’s Succession with Hwang and Lyons. With the hype of Season 3 fresh on my mind, it just felt right to try and snag one of the two spots available for 2Ls once the add/drop opened. After considerable time on the waitlist, I was thrilled to see an email from Mr. Dugas saying that I got in.
How was the switch to virtual? Would you have made different winter break plans if you knew earlier the course would be online?
The switch to virtual was disappointing but understandable. The course being online wouldn’t have affected my travel plans. With bad internet at my mom’s and no quiet place to attend class, another week in Washington just wouldn’t have been practical.
How has the Charlottesville weather compared to out west?
The weather in both places hasn’t been great. The main difference is that I walk a lot of places in Charlottesville, so I’m exposed to the elements more often.
Anything you’re looking forward to this semester?
I’m looking forward to my classes. Last semester was my first exposure to “this is what you’ll be thinking about on a daily basis,” which makes the abundance of reading a whole lot easier.
Lightning round questions
Favorite food?
Favorite place in Charlottesville?
Wool Factory.
Anti-Stress Hobby?
Favorite word?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Near a warm beach or lake.
What’s one movie that left an impression on you?
Walking Tall.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with it?
Index funds, student loans, chef.
If you could pick one song to play in the background of your life, what would it be?
“Liar” by Taking Back Sunday.
What is your least favorite sound?
Glass breaking.
What’s your spirit animal?
Where’s a place you’ve never been, but would like to go?
If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?
One minute of self-affirmation per day.