Love in the Time of Corona: Sam and Maria
Ben Stievater ‘22
Events Editor
As both society and the Law School adapt to the new realities and challenges that coronavirus brings, many aspects of life that once seemed a given are in flux. From online classes and grocery shopping to grabbing a drink with friends and hitting the gym, activities as we know them are changing before our eyes due to quarantining and social distancing. So too are love and modern romance. In this serious and anxious time, the staff at the Law Weekly thought it would be intriguing, pleasantly distracting, and (dare we say it) heartwarming to hear how couples and singles alike are handling romance in light of all these changes. You've heard of Love in the Time of Cholera, but get ready for Love in the Time of Corona.
This week's guests are Maria Luevano ’21 and Sam Pickett ’21.
Hi Maria and Sam! Welcome to Love in the Time of Corona. Let's start with some basics. How and when did you two meet?
Sam: We met on the first day of class, when I yelled hi to her as we were walking to the Law School. She didn’t respond the first time I said hi, because she was listening to a podcast. I was embarrassed so I just yelled louder (a pattern). We chatted on the way to class and then sat next to each other in Criminal Law. The rest is history!
Where are you both located right now during social isolating szn?
Sam: In Charlottesville! Specifically, we’ve been spending most of our time in Maria’s apartment because she has a TV.
Pictured: Sam and Maria enjoying their pre-quarantine activities. Photo Courtesy of Maria Luevano ‘21 and Sam Pickett ‘21.
What is the biggest way coronavirus has impacted your relationship so far, if any?
Maria: Pre-coronavirus, Sam was really up to date on Twitter memes and would send them to me frequently. Now, I’ve usually seen them already because I’m also spending way too much time on Twitter, so there’s less meme sharing.
Sam: We spend most of our time together anyway, so that part hasn’t been too difficult to adjust to or anything. I think the biggest impact has been our restriction on seeing others.
R.I.P. Meme King Pickett. Let’s jump back to some #romance. How would you describe each other in one word or a phrase?
Maria: Genuine! What you see is what you get, and yes, he’s actually like that 100 percent of the time.
Sam: I would describe Maria as everyone’s best friend.
What is your favorite quality about each other?
Maria: (This was very hard!) Sam is really the most thoughtful person I know. He does it without even thinking, and is so patient and kind to everyone.
Sam: She makes you feel like what you’re saying really matters and that you’re the only one in the room. She’s a very active listener, which is important given how much I talk, LMAO.
Do you each have a favorite memory of each other?
Maria: Honestly, any time we’ve traveled together has been a blast. Sam is the best travel partner and even when we’ve had twelve-hour delays or an unexpected overnight road trip, he manages to keep my spirits up! He’s also very skilled at finding good restaurants on-the-go.
Sam: I think living together in D.C. this last summer. Our friends and family were nervous that it was moving quickly, but it was so much fun experiencing the city with Maria and it was even better to get to come home from work to her!
Call ya boi the Lion King, because I’m feeling the love tonight (technically today, as I type this.) Let’s do another 180° to Corona to cool things down. What’s been the most challenging part about this so far for you both?
Maria: Picking what to watch every night! We spend at least twenty minutes scrolling through various streaming apps before we finally get frustrated and settle on something. There’s almost too many options.
Sam: We are both fairly social people and I think that not being able to hang out with others has left us both feeling down at times. It has made us adjust to a new normal, which has been difficult at times, especially when the weight of the pandemic kind of hits.
Can you share any creative ways you’ve gotten past these challenges?
Maria: We’ve started keeping a list of movies we want to watch together, so that’s the first place I check when we have no idea what to watch.
Sam: Currently we do work at Maria’s apartment during the day and then walk over to my apartment at night. This has given us some separation between home and work now that the library has closed.
Nice! Keeping with the creativity, let’s get abstract. Is there a feeling/sight/smell/color/etc. that you associate with each other? Why?
Maria: I’m sorry this is so lame but just generally, laughing. We laugh a lot together.
Sam: Maria loves mayonnaise and I hate it, so whenever I see mayonnaise I cringe, but I think about Maria too!
Don’t blame you on that cringe. Looking forward, what is the first activity you'll do/place you'll go once all social restrictions are lifted?
Maria: I would love to go to Carter Mountain or a local winery, or even Bilt (lol). It’s finally so nice out I just want to drink outside with my friends basically.
Sam: I would say either to the bar with everyone we know to celebrate the end of the pandemic. Someplace we can all relax and enjoy socializing without the distancing.
Here’s hoping that day comes soon. Thanks for coming on, guys. Before we go, let’s end on a romantic note. What is one thing you want to say, in public, possibly in front of the whole Law School (or at least our online readership), to each other?
Maria: How much he inspires me! He’s so hardworking and he’s a really great boyfriend, friend, PA-the list goes on. He’s the only person who has successfully gotten me to go to the gym on a regular basis. He’s also very levelheaded (unlike me sometimes), so when I’m in tough situations I try to channel what he would do. And then I usually ask him what he would do and then do that. I’m very lucky to have him in my life.
Sam: I would want her to know how much the Law School community values her and how lucky I feel to so often be referred to as “Maria’s boyfriend.” I think even the 1Ls I PA for refer to me that way at this point...
Many thanks to Maria and her boyfriend for being the first featured pair on Love in the Time of Corona! Are you a couple that’s been separated or getting creative during this social isolation period? A single whose desire to mingle has been curtailed by COVID-19? A platonic friend or member of a family who wants to share how you’ve been making it through this together? Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and we want to hear about it! Email if you or someone you know might like to be featured on Love in the Time of Corona.