Actually Helpful Tips for 1Ls

1.     Pay for a parking pass. You will be given a ticket starting August 30th.

2.     Don’t judge a class or professor based on the first week. Things will get better.

3.     Don’t get wrapped up in the shallow bonding forged by the first week hysteria. Some of your best friends will be people you don’t talk to until halfway through the semester.

4.     Befriend the librarians and bookstore workers, and Mandy.

5.     Don’t talk about your LSAT scores. Nobody cares.

6.     Nobody cares who wins at softball. Just have fun.

7.     Have one hobby that takes you out of law school; don’t live your whole life in the gunner pit.

8.     Odds are no one will remember your cold calls (unless the Law Weekly finds out about it).

9.     “Outlines” are simply organized summaries of the material you have covered. Sometimes professors let you use them on the final, and the act of building them can help you learn the material.  There are other options (e.g. flashcards), so do what works for you.

10.  Make sure you plan ahead on your job search and prep work. It is easy to put it off, but your later self (and OPP) will thank you.

11.  Take care of yourself.  Try to sleep eight hours every night, eat reasonably healthy, exercise at least a few times a week, and maybe try meditation or yoga.  These things will not only make you happier and less stressed, they will make you more efficient and effective at law school in the long run.  Especially sleep.


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